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Jakob Petrig has one foot on the peg, one hand on the gas and one eye on competing in the 2025 FIM Hard Enduro World Championship!

But for now, he is 110% focused on total domination of the W.A. Hard Enduro Series (WHES).

Born to ride - always ready to race

Known around the paddock as ‘J’ Bob, Petrig first ‘threw a leg over’ at the age of two.

At six he was dodging wildlife and riding out gnarly ruts along one of Western Australia’s most notorious outback enduro trails – the Holland Track.

Unique among his peers, Petrig only started racing in 2022 where he quickly made his presence felt on the WHES circuit securing 2nd place (Silver Class) in his premier year.

Though he could have consolidated his rank as a Silver Class competitor, he threw caution to the wind in 2023 and nominated himself for Gold!

Investing intensely in strength and conditioning, and putting in bulk hours on the bike during the off-season, Jakob rode clever consistent throughout ‘23 to claim 3rd outright in the Gold Class of the W.A. Hard Enduro Series


No obstacle is an impasse

Success in hard enduro is about “taking it” to every challenge, both on and off the track.

Jakob has already recognised that racing other disciplines and racing interstate are integral to his long-term success.

In 2023, he tackled the Australian 4 Day Enduro, finishing 7th in E3 Class and 54th outright. Only months later, he headed to Victoria to compete in one of the largest and longest running Hard Enduro events in Australia – The Wildwood Rock Extreme.

Wildwood is as iconic with spectators as it
relentless on riders and, despite the pressure of racing his first interstate event, Jakob finished 3rd in the Silver category – a testimony to the young racers skill, tenacity and resolve.

11 Tenths a Hard Enduro Rider

Friendly, approachable, and helpful, but equally as aggressive on the circuit – Jakob embodies all the traits of a hard-core hard enduro rider.

Hard enduro is not like other racing disciplines – it is often as much a race TO finish as it is a race TO THE finish.

When the red mist descends riders need to have the right level of sensibility about them because there is no room on a rock face for arrogance and ignorance.

Out on the track it’s very much a case of “You’ve got my back; I’ve got yours”. It is how you treat the pack that will determine how the pack treats you when the chips are down.

Jakob knows this and he has always been willing to earn the competitive respect he needs to finish every race consistently. That is what is required to win a championship!

Of Jakob, fellow races with many more years under their belt, say “Focused! He approaches a new obstacle, and you can literally see his brain ticking over: working it out."

His aptitude for hard enduro and his attitude to racing has not gone unnoticed. In 2023 he was awarded a contract as a WHES Racing Development Junior Development rider.

Not all about the bike

At 17, it can’t be all about the riding and racing. There is ‘life’ stuff that needs to be managed and few other racers do it as well as Jakob.

Long days are scheduled to accommodate all key components

required for his development.

In 2024 Jakob will tackle his ATAR (finishing school), continue to contribute within his local sporting community as a basketball umpire, refine his fitness and training regime in the gym, and compete in interschool athletics to support the high school that supports him.

And, of course, he will race a LOT of hard enduro!

In a typical day he might be in the gym at 5:30am and still out umpiring or playing basketball at 9pm; and make no mistake, there is no respite between those hours.

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The hardest enduro ascent – ride shotgun with Jakob ‘J Bob’ Petrig.

This year it is all about top honours in Gold Class of the WHES series. Jakob knows he will be snapping at the heels of some very experienced racers like Rieju Australia’s Sam Rogers and 2022 WHES Champion Darren Rudling.

In addition to WHES he will be scheduling in at least two or three interstate events.

For 2025, Jakob has his sights set on the global stage, aiming to participate in at least three rounds of the prestigious FIM Hard Enduro World Championship!

Support Jakob as he continues to break barriers, chase victories, and conquer the world of hard enduro.

It is going to be quite a ride! Don't miss out on being a part of a true hard enduro phenomenon!

In his words, this is J Bob on;

Racing World Class Hard Enduro Series

“The WHES (WA Hard Enduro Series) is the key 2024 series I want to accomplish in Gold Class. Sprinkle in a little eastern states racing for inspiration. And, hopefully, the world stage in 2025 for the FIM Hard Enduro World Championship.”

Peak Physical Performance

“Hard enduro demands top physical performance. I need to develop and maintain health to compete at such a high level. It’s more fun too if you are prepared and can physically meet the demands as they arise.”

Promote Supportive Sponsors

“My sponsors have been key in enabling me to participate in some great events. I want to give back to my sponsors by promoting their brand, presence, and products in a good light. If I like them then I’m certain lots of people that I know will like them too.”

Mentoring Others to Grow

“Hard enduro is not a solitary journey. There are countless others who are with me on my journey where we can all support and mentor each other through the challenges ahead. That gives us all lots of stories to tell, even if they do tend to get a little bit ‘larger than life’ over time. ;p”

Where Jakob has been

Where Jakob is going

Who is helping him get there

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